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        Contact us

        Author :佚名 Source:本站原创 Update:2020年12月29日 Click:

        Xinjiang Tianshan Pharmaceutical IND.CO.,LTD
        Adress: No.228, Li Yushan south road, Urumqi.
        Tel: 0991-4323595   Fax: 0991-4312267
        E-mail: 893006218@qq.com  Zip code: 830054
        Bachu County Tianshan Natural Plant Products Co. Ltd
        Adress: Yingbin south road, Bachu county.
        Sale number: 13899122982  Fax: 0998-6212203
        Xinjiang Licorice Industry Development Co.Ltd
        Adress: South side of Tiyu road, east side of Honghai road, Bachu county, Kashgar, Xinjiang.
        Sale number:13899182288  Fax: 0998-6134633


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